Jual Hach LDO® Dissolved Oxygen

Toko Darmatek Indonesia

Menggunakan teknologi luminescent untuk memonitor dissolved oxygen secara terus menerus. Alat ini dapat mengetahui dengan cepat jika ada perubahan di tingkat DO, dan bisa diintegrasikan dengan variable frequency drive atau PLC control system untuk mengontrol jumlah oksigen yang akan di masukan ke dalam system.
- Hanya membutuhkan calibrasi satu kali setahun
- Perawatan yang sederhana.
- Tidak memakai perlengkapan electrolyte.
- Tidak memakai membrane

Since 2002, Hach has established itself as the premier provider of luminescent dissolved oxygen (LDO) technology, and only Hydrolab Series 5 sondes feature 
HACH LDO® technology – designed, manufactured, and supported by Hach in Loveland, Colorado. Now in its second generation, the Hach LDO sensor for Hydrolab sondes is better than ever.

No membranes
Calibrations that last
Superior accuracy
Compact housing allows complete integration into any sonde – DS5X, DS5, or even MS5
No glue, exposed fasteners, metal, seams, or moving parts

No membranes so concerns about air bubbles, 24-hour membrane relaxation, and the art of maintenance are a thing of the past
Calibrations that last without drift means that deployments will last longer, reducing frequency of trips to the field for maintenance, saving you time and money
Does not consume oxygen so passive fouling will not affect DO readings
Best accuracy because solid, defendable data is the ultimate goal
Designed, manufactured, and supported by Hach Hydromet, the experts in LDO technology
Robust design for long-lasting performance

Product Data: 
0 - 60* mg/ L
* Exceeds Maximum Natural Concentrations
+ / - 0.1 mg/ L at 8 mg/ L
+ / - 10% reading > 20 mg/ L
0.01 mg/ L

Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Hubungi :
Contact: Subarkah
Telpon : 021-71031268
H P    : 081283804273/085774067221
Email  : subarkah18@yahoo.co.id
Gmail  : darmatek1@gmail.com
Pin BB : D2A771BD
Y M    : cs_darmatek
Web    : http://www.darmatek.net
Link   : http://darmatek.indonetwork.co.id