Jual Opti-Science OS-30p Chlorophyll Fluorometer

Toko Darmatek Indonesia



Plant Stress Detection with Fv/ Fm
Fv/ Fm - A Measure of Maximum
Potential Quantum Efficiency
Fv/ Fm is the most used parameter for
plant stress detection in the world,
and it is a robust way to detect stress that affects photosystem II.

Test Modes:
Excitation Source:
Detection method:
Detector and Filters:
Sampling Rate:
Test Duration:
Storage Capacity:
Digital Output:
User Interface:
Power Supply:
Battery Life:
Fv/ Fm
Fast Kinetics - Basic OJIP
Solid state 660nm source
Modulation beam adjustable .2 to 1.0 uE
Saturation/ Actinic Intensity adjustable from
100 ~ 3, 000 uE depending on test mode
Pulse Modulated w/ High Resolution
sampling mode for Kautsky Induction curve recording.
512 Kb battery backed up RAM,
supporting up to 8, 190 test data sets, and 32 traces of up
to 255 seconds each.
128 x 64 dot backlit graphics display
Rechargeable NiMH Battery Pack with
A PIN photodiode with a 700 ~ 750
nm bandpass filter.
Variable from 10 to 30, 000 points per
second depending on phase of test.
Adjustable from 2 seconds ~ 255 seconds
RS-232 port.( USB adapters are available)
Keyboard: 13 keys dedicated function layout
Fiber Optic Cable Option: 1 meter in length
8 hours
18 cm x 7 cm x 6 cm.

Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Hubungi :
Contact: Subarkah
Telpon : 021-71031268
H P    : 081283804273/085774067221
Email  : subarkah18@yahoo.co.id
Gmail  : darmatek1@gmail.com
Pin BB : D2A771BD
Y M    : cs_darmatek
Web    : http://www.darmatek.net
Link   : http://darmatek.indonetwork.co.id