Jual SANWA DCM-600DR Clamp Meters DC/AC+True RMS

Toko Darmatek Indonesia

Clamp Meters DC/ AC+ True RMS
Suitable for maintenance of vehicle, hybrid vehicle, electric vehicle & DMM functions

Features :

-AC / DC current measurable max. 600A
-True RMS
-Peak hold
# When the peak button is pressed, the measuring 0 0 range will be fixed to the 600A range.
-Relative value measurement
-Data hold, Auto power save
-LCD with back light
Sampling rate : 3 times / sec. for numeral display,


Spesification :

Toko Darmatek Indonesia

Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Hubungi :
Contact: Subarkah
Telpon : 021-71031268
H P      : 081283804273/085774067221
Email  : subarkah18@yahoo.co.id
Gmail  : darmatek1@gmail.com
Pin BB : D2A771BD
Y M     : cs_darmatek
Web    : http://www.darmatek.net
Link    : http://darmatek.indonetwork.co.id