Eutech DO-2700 Benchtop Meter

 Toko Darmatek Indonesia

Description : 
Eutech DO 2700

Product Features: 
Designed for optimal performance and versatility, the DO 2700 come with intuitive, advance set-up options for extensive user-customization at an affordable price! Meter comes with self-stirring probe and bi-directional RS232 – ideal for BOD and other Dissolved Oxygen applications in the laboratory.

: : Measures Dissolved Oxygen in % saturation, ppm, mg/ L at ± 0.5 % full scale accuracy

: : Automatic calibration at 100 % and independent 0 % – greater measurement sensitivity during low oxygen levels

: : Accurate readings in varying conditions with Temperature, Salinity and Barometric Pressure Compensation

: : Non-volatile memory holds up to 500 data points – time and date-stamped for GLP compliance

: : Bi-directional RS232 for easy data transfer to computer

: : Cal-due alarm – no more out-dated calibrations!

: : Auto-logging function for convenient continuous monitoring

: : Limit alarm alerts when reading falls out of range

: : Password protection for setup and calibration

• Environmental studies • Wastewater and water treatment • Ecological studies • Education institution


Range 0.00 to 50.00 mg/ L
Resolution 0.01 mg/ L
Accuracy ± 0.5 % full scale
% Saturation Of Oxygen
Range 0 to 600.0 %
Resolution 0.1 %
Accuracy ± 0.5 % full scale
Salinity Correction
Range 0 to 50.0 ppt
Resolution 0.1 ppt
Barometric Pressure Correction
Range 450 to 825 mmHg ( automatic)
Resolution 1 mmHg
Method Automatic correction with built-in sensor
Range 0.0 to 50.0 º C / 32.0 to 122.0 º F
Resolution 0.1 º C / 0.1 º F
Accuracy ± 0.3 º C / ± 0.5 º F
Power Requirements 9 V DC adapter, 1.3 A ( 100/ 240 VAC, SMPS)

Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Hubungi :
Contact: Subarkah
Telpon : 021-71031268
H P      : 081283804273/085774067221
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 Toko Darmatek Indoonesia