SCHOTT® Instruments Handylab pH 11/ pH 12

Toko Darmatek Indonesia

SCHOTT® Instruments handylab pH 11/ pH 12

Portable pH meters with GLP functions
The versatile pH meter HandyLab pH 11 and pH 12 are equipped with the measurement parameters pH, mV and ° C. The fully automatic one to three point calibration is already programmed into the meter in accordance with DIN or technical buffers and therefore improves the practical working conditions. These pocket-size meters in shock-proof, water-tight casings are ideally suited for field work.

In comparison to the HandyLab pH 11, the HandyLab pH 12 additionally has a data memory, which makes it possible to save measurements manually or automatically using a timer control, and then evaluate them at a later time. Furthermore, this pH meter has a configurable interface with a recognition function ( RS 232) so that it can be connected to a computer ( bidrectional) or a recorder.
Separately or as a set

The handylab pH 11 and handylab pH 12 pocket-size pH meters are not only available separately, but can also be purchased in a complete cost-effective set that includes a combination electrode, buffer solutions and measuring beakers in a carrying case. With this set, you can get to work right away.

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