Jual Opti Science ACM-200 plus Anthocyanin Content Meter

Toko Darmatek Indonesia


• Negara Asal : Amerika
• Study anthocyanin content in leaves and
Non-Destructive Measurement
• Monitor Sugar Maple Senescence
• Anthocyanin has be shown to enhance
plant pest protection and photoprotection.

• Up to 160, 000 measurement storage
• Display Anthocyanin Content Index
and Calculated Sample Averages
• USB output
• Lightweight, Hand-Held Design Optimized
for Field Work
• Built-in Data-Logging
• Graphic data display
• Stand Alone Operation- No P.C. Required

The ACM-200 plus Anthcyanin Content Meter provides a fast estimate of anthocyanin content on the
intact leaves of plants and flowers. Reduce grinding or destructive assays! The measurement is rapid,
nondestructive and simple to obtain, allowing researchers to gather reliable data that has been shown to
correlate to chemical testing.
The ACM-200 plus is designed to be highly reliable and long lasting. It incorporates a large measuring area
for signal averaging over a large sample area. This approach provides a reading that takes into account small
structure variations that can affect repeatability and reliability when compared to a smaller sampling area.
The ACM-200 plus is the successor to the CCM-200 anthocyanin meter, an instrument that was introduced
in the year 2005.
The ACM-200 plus has the large on-board memory, storing up to 160, 000 measurements or up to 94, 000
measurements with GPS Data internally. Users can record large amounts of measurements without concern
as the data is stored in non-volitile flash memory. Downloading of data is quick and easy through its
universal USB 1.1. port.
The ACM-200plus does not require external data loggers. All you need for precise anthocyanin
measurements are included in one lightweight, compact, affordable package.
Changes in anthocyanin content can occur over time.
Research has shown that the anthocyanin meter can
provide a reliable and fast estimate of anthocyanin.
Studies have been done on Sugar maples, Clitoria
ternatea, Desniodium adscendens, Corchorus olitorius,
Catharanthus roseus, and Hibiscus sabdariffa. Other
research is on going.
Laboratory methods for determination of anthocyanin
content are both time consuming and destructive to the
sample. Typically, a sample must be detached, ground up
in a solvent, then assayed in a spectrophotometer. With chemical testing, sample can be measured only once, precluding the cost effective monitoring of trends in anthocyanin content over the life cycle.

Morris J.B., Wang M.L.(2007) Anthocyanin and Potential
Therapeutic Traits in Clitoria, Desmodium, Catharanthus
and Hibiscus Species Acta Hort.756, ISHS 2007
van den Berg A.K.,Perkins T.D.(2005) Nondestructive
Estimation of Anthcyanin Content in Autumn Sugar
Maple Leaves HortScience 40(3) : 685-686.2005

Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Hubungi :
Contact: Subarkah
Telpon : 021-71031268
H P    : 081283804273/085774067221
Email  : subarkah18@yahoo.co.id
Gmail  : darmatek1@gmail.com
Pin BB : D2A771BD
Y M    : cs_darmatek
Web    : http://www.darmatek.net
Link   : http://darmatek.indonetwork.co.id